Magnetic therapy has been used for years to help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation.
It is also has been used to reduce stress & anxiety, improve sleep, and enhance overall balance and mood.
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Total Gauss Strength of Magnet:9210gauss, Number of Magnets:6
1. What is Magnetic Therapy?
Magnetic therapy is based on the theory that when delivered directly to the body magnetic fields can stimulate healing from a range of health problems, Although its health claims include the treatment of multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, insomnia, inflammation, and even cancer and heart disease, there is little scientific evidence for magnetic therapyrsquos effectiveness.
2. How does our Magnetic bracelets Work?
The magnetic theory revolves in the arteries around the wrist, which magnets improve the circulation gives the body more of nutrients it needs in the blood, improving health naturally
Magnetic function:
- Effects to neural system
- Effects to blood vessel system
- The effects of magnetic field to immunity function
- The effects of magnetic field to enzyme activity
3. Does the effectiveness of the bracelet vary according to size of design?
. Even though the sizes and shapes of the bracelet vary, the effectiveness remains the same as the neodymium in each bracelet around 2500 Gauss. (Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic field)
4. Can I use the magnets around my computer and other electronic equipment?
The magnets can be used around the computer and other electronic office equipment with care. Do not place magnets directly on computer. Do not let magnets come in contract with credit cards or other cards that utilize a magnetic strip for scanning, video tapes, or computer diskettes,etc.
5. Any side effect?
. Magnetic therapy is very safe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirm that static magnetic fields pose no health risks at all. No complications have ever been reported with its proper use.
Strengthen one’s immune system and raises oxygen levels.
Improve the immune and defense system.
Jewelry Maintenance
Avoid any touch with comestice,perfume,hair gel etc acidity substance ,jewelry will fade Take off when swiming ,because it will be oxidized if touch with chloride in the pool Take off when you sweat a lot, there will be chemical reaction which leads to the black dot appeared.
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